Exists to teach youth the basics of horsemanship
The importance of having a strong work ethic
The love of Jesus Christ
Children are encouraged to be themselves and to interact and work with horses
Serves all children and adults from seven years old and up. Whether the child has emotional, mental, or physical disadvantages, or simply desires to have access to a horse, they are welcome at Heartland Youth Ranch
Our focus is not to train expert riders, but is really about letting children enjoy the human-horse relationship by learning the responsibilities of caring for a horse, doing ranch chores, and having fun
We believe that horses enrich our lives and can instill characteristics such as self-confidence, empowerment, leadership, faith, and trust
A horse's unconditional love looks past all of our faults and shortcomings. Horses don't judge you and will love you no matter who you are or where you come from.
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